Necessity is the Mother of Invention

There’s this drink they make in the Malay prata shops called Neslo. What it essentially is, is coffee (Nescafe) mixed with Milo (a delicious chocolately energy drink). I used to drink it all the time when I was staying at the hostel of my University. Being young and having a healthy metabolic rate meant that we frequently had suppers out at the Malay prata shop just behind our hostel. And this was my go-to drink. (yes, I could still fall asleep after drinking this caffeine-infused energy beverage)

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Obviously, I cannot find my Neslo here, and although it sounds like it could be easily replaced with Mocha, it still tastes different. Incidentally, we just found and bought Milo capsules for our Dolce Gusto coffee machine during our last trip back home, and it hit me that I could make my own Neslo!

I mixed the Milo capsules with a capsule of coffee and it turned out pretty good! (: Although with twice the serving, I ended up with a huge cup of it. Not complaining about having too much though. I slurped it all up.

Update: The Travel Envelope has been put up for sale here!