Another Best Day

We woke up a little while after the sunlight hit our sheets. You made me breakfast and we gobbled it down hungrily. We sat down separately to do our individual tasks. Separately, yet together. It always still feels like we’re doing things together. We took a break for lunch and enjoyed some laughs. You wanted to make plans for our trip together and I wanted to do it with you. You don’t know, but I would want to do anything with you, as long as you wanted to do it. You tried and failed to beat my high score in our latest game obsession, and I showed you my favourite view from the apartment, happy to finally remember to share that with you. And we talked a bit about the huge bird that always lands outside our window. Then, it was time to cook dinner together. I only like cooking when I’m cooking with you.

As we went to bed again, yet another day passed, I thanked you for another best day. Because it truly was.

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