Valentine’s Day Special: Free iPhone 6 Wallpapers

I don’t usually celebrate Valentine’s Day, mainly because it doesn’t feel like that special a day. While it doesn’t feel special, it definitely still is a good excuse as any other to receive gifts and splurge on dinner (we always need an excuse to pamper ourselves, don’t we?).

This year I’m using Valentine’s day as an excuse to design lovely and girly iPhone wallpapers!

As always, theseĀ are free for download for personal use but not for commercial use. If you do share them on your own pages, it would be nice to get a mention.

Enjoy, and show yourself some love this Valentine’s Day!

Fresh from the Oven

So here’s what I’ve been up to craft-wise.

My recent creative pursuits | Photo credit: Juxxtapose

As you can see, I’m still working on my drawing/doodling skills. But mainly, I’ve really been making great headway in my crochet projects.

I’ve learnt to crochet alphabets! Oh the things I could do with them!

For starters, I decided to stitch the initials of two of my good friends onto my hand-stitched notebooks for their birthdays! So far, I’ve sent one of them off, and I’m mailing the second one out today. I’m so excited for them to receive it! Of course, they don’t know it’s coming their way – it’s a surprise!

Looking forward to the multitude of other projects I could do with the crochet alphabets!

The other project I’m mighty pleased with is a set of heart-shaped coasters. They turned out so pretty I could hardly bear to use them. I’m sure everyone will love them too!

Love these coasters | Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Love these coasters | Photo credit: Juxxtapose

And so, I’m very excited to announce that I have put this product up in my Etsy ShopĀ cos I really want to spread the love around! You can click the link for more pictures!

P.S The notebooks with crocheted initials will be coming up soon! (:

Macarons = Love

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

While grabbing ‘supplies’ before our flight back, we passed by TWG’s colourful and attractive display of macarons in the transit area of Singapore’s Changi Airport. I couldn’t help but get drawn to it because of my addiction. I didn’t want to get some cos I thought it was frivolous use of money to be popping macarons all the time.

The hubs noticed that and insisted that we grab some for the road (or in this case, sky). We decided to just get a box of 6, which costed about S$12, and I had such a hard time choose only 6 flavours.

In the end, the final 6 were (from left to right): Limited Edition Singapore Tea, Earl Grey Fortune & Chocolate, Kaya, Camelot Tea & Praline, Moroccan Mint Tea, Blackcurrant. Can’t remember the full names of the flavours, but I’ve got the gist down to a pat. We wanted to try the Matcha flavoured one but it was out of stock (a perfect excuse for buying another box the next time!)

I find it very difficult to resist the teas as well, mainly cos of the pretty packaging. (I’m a sucker for packaging; I’d go broke in Japan.) But we didn’t get any teas this time cos we have a lot of tea bags and tea leaves waiting to be drunk at home.

Regardless, I was a happy girl, prancing out of the shop with a paper bag of macarons, in a pretty box to boot! We hurried to board our plane (slightly late, as usual) and carefully tucked away our macarons safely. It was to become our breakfast for the next 2 days. (P.S if you do keep them over a night or two, the shells tend to get a bit soggy. Just FYI.)

I’m glad the hubs was sweet enough to insist on buying these little treats for me, despite me thinking about not wasting money and all. If I’m not going to pamper myself, I’m sure glad someone else is.

Another Best Day

We woke up a little while after the sunlight hit our sheets. You made me breakfast and we gobbled it down hungrily. We sat down separately to do our individual tasks. Separately, yet together. It always still feels like we’re doing things together. We took a break for lunch and enjoyed some laughs. You wanted to make plans for our trip together and I wanted to do it with you. You don’t know, but I would want to do anything with you, as long as you wanted to do it. You tried and failed to beat my high score in our latest game obsession, and I showed you my favourite view from the apartment, happy to finally remember to share that with you. And we talked a bit about the huge bird that always lands outside our window. Then, it was time to cook dinner together. I only like cooking when I’m cooking with you.

As we went to bed again, yet another day passed, I thanked you for another best day. Because it truly was.

My Tamed Rose

136538ā€œPeople have forgotten this truth,” the fox said. “But you mustn’t forget it. You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed. Youā€™re responsible for your rose.ā€

ā€•Ā Antoine de Saint-ExupĆ©ry,Ā The Little Prince

I did not understand this before. And I still did not understand this fully when I read it. But now I think I do.

In the book, ‘tamed’ is defined by the establishing of ties between 2 parties, so much so that both see the other as a unique individual, different from the faces in the crowd. The relationship that forms also means that when one leaves, the other will feel the sadness.

When we form special relationships in our lives, we must remember that we become responsible for the other. For caring for the other, for being there for the other, we cannot and should not just leave or ignore the other. Because by taming the other, we decide to be responsible for the other. The other starts relying on you for your care or support, and vice versa.

My rose became my rose by accident, I suppose. No one really makes friends intentionally. But my rose was getting suffocated by her own thorns more and more day by day. I diligently fed her water and nutrients every day. Sprayed the bugs with pesticide. Plucked the weeds growing around her. I tried to make her environment better, for that was the best I could do. I tried to trim her thorns, but they grew too quickly and too wildly, that they choked her faster than I was able to stop them. Tending one’s garden is hard work, and I got tired eventually. Maybe my rose was a lost cause, and I should replace it with another flower.

But then I was reminded that when I tamed my rose, I would always be responsible for her.

Great Weekend Getaway in Udaipur

Finally made the Udaipur trip I mentioned about previously. I was extremely excited and looking forward to the getaway!

Lake Taj Palace Hotel is situated on Lake Pichola itself, so the hotel has a private jetty to transport their guests to and fro the hotel and the city. The jetty was very elegantly designed. It’s rather hot in Udaipur at this time of the year, so we did not want to sit out in the open. But I imagine it would be nice to just sit around and enjoy the view of the lake one cool days or in the evenings. So pretty that I can imagine having a small intimate wedding reception on the jetty itself, and then we could ride off on the boat into the sunset.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Here’s a picture of the Lake Taj Palace coming up, closer and closer, as our boat took us to the hotel.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

And the City Palace behind us as we sped along.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

When we got to the hotel, we were welcomed by a man holding out an intricately-designed umbrella, and rose petals falling from the sky. It was such an unforgettable, and very likely to be once in a lifetime, experience for us. A perfect way to celebrate our first wedding anniversary!

8 Ways to be Happy

I’ve always been practical about these things. Sometimes a little too practical I think. But the rational side of me has taught me a lot about choosing to be happy. It has made it easy for me to get rid of the unhealthy habits that plague the unhappy. That being said, along the way, I have learnt and found other ‘touchy-feely’ habits that I want to adopt because I see the value in them.

These are the top 8 things that I have personally tested and proven to work in encouraging happiness.

1. If you are unhappy about something, it’s okay to be sad about it for a while. Then, ask yourself, is that something I can change to make this better? If there is, change it. If not, accept what you cannot change. Either you take the steps to improve your own situation, or accept the things you cannot control.

2. Avoid thoughts of ‘what ifs’ and ‘what could have beens’. It has passed and is over, there is no point in wasting your energy on such thoughts. Plus it is depressing and will stress you out mentally and emotionally. And even after all thinking, nothing changes, you can’t turn back the clock. Let it go and move on.

3. Stop saying ‘I wish’ and start saying ‘I will’. Sit and wish all day, but things will not happen for you if you don’t act on it. Instead of saying, ‘I wish I had more time to do what I like’, say ‘I will set aside 2 hours every Saturday morning to do it’.

4. Do all you can to avoid having regrets. Give importance to every decision you make and consider the reasons for every choice. This way, when you look back at any point in your life, you have the peace of mind that you made the best decision for yourself or your loved ones at the given time.

5. Make time for something you love doing. I had major problems with this because I always wanted to make sure every minute of my day was productive. Activities like relaxing or reading was considered ‘not productive’. You may not realise it at that moment, but all the times you choose not to do what you love, you lose that little bit of joy. And it adds up over time.

6. Which also leads me to the next point, which is to slow down. You may have heard that in this fast-paced generation, people grow less observant about the things around them. They are present physically but not necessarily in mind. Stop. Slow down and feel the things around you. When the world stops whizzing by, you will start to feel more like you’re living.

7. Be thankful. Yes, you’ve heard this countless times. But I mean, be thankful consciously, even for the smallest things. I was guilty of ‘being thankful for my food and my health’ but not really feeling the gratitude. Take the time to really feel the gratitude for things you have. If you believe in God, thank God for all that He has blessed you with and realise that you could have been the one without.

8. Love the people around you and allow them to love you back. Try not to fight, and surround yourself with good feelings. Don’t turn down acts of love because you think it is unnecessary or that you are troubling someone else (which is what I’m guilty of). Let them do it for you, accept it and enjoy it. And then do something for them in return.

These are my 8. I would love to hear about other ways to be happy. Do share them with me.

San Francisco – Mission Accomplished

Exactly one year ago, I was in San Francisco. It was an extension from the conference trip I was on, and part of the journey of my first trip alone. Travelling alone, checked off my bucket list!

Apart from seeing the sight in San Fran, I had another mission – to purchase customised fortune cookies from Chinatown as gifts for my wedding dinner guests.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

I loved San Fran. It was beautiful. I finally tracked down the shop where they sell fortune cookies. They sell ready-made ones with standard ‘fortunes’ in it. They also sell the cookies themselves, unfolded, with no fortune. They’re a tasty snack as they are, and they come in 2 flavours – original and chocolate.

Here is the picture of the store front.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

They are able to do your customised orders on the spot. Mine was for 120 pieces. I think he took about an hour to complete. What you have to bring are the ready cut slips of ‘fortunes’ you want placed in the cookies. And they will take care of the rest.

You can see below, my slips of paper at the side, ready for him to place in the cookie. You can stay and watch them fold the cookies. It’s pretty amazing, they do it so quickly that if you blink, the moment is gone.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

I took a picture of the final product on my wedding day. Cracked open to expose the slip I created. I was and still am extremely pleased with it. Mission accomplished!

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Ā One year on, to commemorate the wonderful time I had in San Francisco, I madeĀ this travel journal.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Close-up of the hand-stitched outline of the state of California.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

I wish I had it with me while I was on the road. I also made one for my adventures in India. Looking forward to using it. More pictures of that: here.

Lake Taj Palace & Udaipur

My husband and I are planning a visit to Udaipur next month. And as a treat to celebrate of our 1st year of marriage, we decided to splurge on a night’s stay at Lake Taj Palace Hotel.

I almost can’t believe that it has been a year! Actually, I can’t believe it has only been a year. This time last year, we were still busy with the last minute preparations for our big day. So many things happened within this past year, it still feels like a dream.

This will add on to the dream:

Photo credit:

I’m superbly excited about the stay at Lake Taj Palace. It looks so magically beautiful in all the pictures that have come up on Google. And I’ve heard nothing but good things about both the hotel and Udaipur so far.

Yes, I’m raving about it before I’ve even been there. But as much as I’m excited about the hotel stay, we definitely cannot miss out exploring the city. I haven’t read up much on the must-sees and must-dos. Anyone has anything to suggest?

Love. Joy. Peace.

I finally got down to work in my ‘workshop’. My project was this set of blank journals entitled Love Joy Peace.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Inspired by the words from Galatians 5:22-23, Love, Joy, and Peace are the first 3 of the Fruits of the Spirit.

I stuck on each alphabet, one at a time (because I like to think up tedious projects to torture myself), for all three of them, and hand-stitched their spines.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Here are three of them, completed. And also a close up of the texture and stitches.

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Photo credit: Juxxtapose

More pictures and details here.

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, self-control; against such there is no law.