Effective Home Remedy for Repelling Pigeons

Some of you may remember my pigeon in the balcony problem.

Countless pigeons land on the railing of my balcony daily. More than a couple of times, they have wriggled past the net and have gotten themselves trapped within the balcony.

Two days ago, I tried this home remedy I stumbled upon for ‘repelling’ pigeons. I happened to read this in a comment section, in which the poster mentioned using this to successfully ward off pigeons.

That’s right, she used Listerine, the mouthwash. And I am happy to announce, that in the past two days, a grand total of 2 pigeons have landed on my balcony.

Well, I was supposed to get a spray bottle to spray the Listerine over the railing but I didn’t have one, so I just carefully poured it along the edges of the balcony (trying to avoid excess Listerine flowing down to my neighbour’s balcony). And I guess it worked!

Apparently, pigeons hate the smell of Listerine. I usually avoid home remedies that involve vinegar because of the stench. But Listerine smells sterile, so that was fine by me.

It’s working out really well so far! Hope this helps those of you out there with pigeon problems.

Bird Net, Bird Trap!

Photo Credit: Juxxtapose

Photo Credit: Juxxtapose

What’s the point of a bird net when birds still can slip in but have no idea how to go back out?! It becomes a bird trap! This pigeon has been ramming itself against the net for at least the past hour, unable to figure out how to get out.  I must say, I’m kinda freaked out by her frantic flapping!

Occasionally she stops and rests, and coos repeatedly but gently. I noticed another pigeon ramming against the net, but from the outside. Is he to be the hero to the damsel in distress? Alas, all attempts are futile because one can’t get in and the other can’t get out.

I do hope she calms down and think about how she got in to begin with. Then she can let herself out.

The View from my Window

Photo Credit: Juxxtapose

Photo Credit: Juxxtapose

We finally got the balcony cleaned today.

Ahmedabad is quite a dusty city so dust and dirt gets all over the balcony quickly. For months, I wasn’t able to step into it. But today I did, and managed to get a good panorama shot of my view through the holes of the netting that is hung over the balcony,

The netting is hung in place to prevent birds (usually pigeons) from flying in. Some still do though, by squeezing their tiny birds bodies through the gaps at the top of the netting. Once, when I was reading next to the balcony, one flew in and hung around for a bit. After a while, it cleverly let itself out.