Fresh from the Oven

So here’s what I’ve been up to craft-wise.

My recent creative pursuits | Photo credit: Juxxtapose

As you can see, I’m still working on my drawing/doodling skills. But mainly, I’ve really been making great headway in my crochet projects.

I’ve learnt to crochet alphabets! Oh the things I could do with them!

For starters, I decided to stitch the initials of two of my good friends onto my hand-stitched notebooks for their birthdays! So far, I’ve sent one of them off, and I’m mailing the second one out today. I’m so excited for them to receive it! Of course, they don’t know it’s coming their way – it’s a surprise!

Looking forward to the multitude of other projects I could do with the crochet alphabets!

The other project I’m mighty pleased with is a set of heart-shaped coasters. They turned out so pretty I could hardly bear to use them. I’m sure everyone will love them too!

Love these coasters | Photo credit: Juxxtapose

Love these coasters | Photo credit: Juxxtapose

And so, I’m very excited to announce that I have put this product up in my Etsy Shop cos I really want to spread the love around! You can click the link for more pictures!

P.S The notebooks with crocheted initials will be coming up soon! (: